Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Let's start over again...

I thought I had an old blog. Cannot find that old blog. This makes me VERY sad. :( I documented SO much of the boys baby lives. I've searched and searched, any way I could to find it. BLAH. Moving right along...

 With so VERY much that goes on, on a day to say basis in this crazy life, I have decided to document as much as possible (without LOSING my blog... seriously? WHO does that?? Oh..ME).
 Working, being a mommy, on hold cake and dessert baker and devoted wife, is about to get even crazier. Let's add on TEACHER to the list. As of Monday, October 22, I will begin to home school Mr. Tristan Cross. THIS should be interesting. As if the stakes weren't high enough for my brain power. By the time everyone is grown and moved on with their own little adult lives (God willing), my brain will be turned to mush! OH. I'm also striving very hard to work on my much loved book.

 ANYHOO! Looking forward to Friday evening, decorating with the kids for Halloween... again, AND, the weekend ahead. I will vendor at Pierce Chapel Methodist Church this Saturday, which I am also looking forward to. :) NEXT WEEK... Ultimate Ladies Night Out event on Friday evening, and then, The Burrell Spooktacular Halloweeny Party on Saturday! LOVE me some OCTOBER!

Cheers and God bless!

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