Friday, January 18, 2013

Really beginning to flow

 Today was probably our best so far. Tests are going awesome, curriculum is coming together, and the kids are getting used to their routine. I honestly, never thought I would have LESS stress by homeschooling all four of my children, as opposed to them being in school all day. I have less freedom sure, but is it really "freedom" I am giving up, or am I gaining? I feel that I am gaining here.

 My children are with me all of the time. I can't say how much peace this puts in my soul. To know that they are able to learn, within our four walls that we call home, is just amazing. I am so very proud of their abilities. The bond between each of us, just grows stronger and stronger each and everyday. I have to say, I have experienced so much more laughter in this house in the past two weeks. There is no more pressure to hurry off to bed, to hurry out the door, or time being taken away from us as a family. I get to witness first hand, my children learning.

 Landon is absolutely coming around. I was very fearful in the beginning. We're all enjoying the new K5 addition to our curriculum. Both Luke and Landon have exceeded their assessment testing and have been placed into 1st grade levels. They're, of course, still maintaining their kindergarten level in their day to day curriculum. But, I am amazed by how well they do with the 1st grade work. Just this morning, Luke was already blowing me away with his multiplication abilities.

 Tristan is still struggling. But, having his brothers around really seems to help. They're his helpers. We are doing our best with alphabet repetition, as well as numbers. Got to get these cores down before we move too far ahead. If he doesn't recognize his letters and numbers, how can we expect him to comprehend most of his curriculum?

 I am planning out my work, as well. Moving forward and very pleased with everything that's going on with the business. Bauhaus Productions Photography is growing day by day. I'm also, working on my own studio space and new concept sessions. Very excited to share what's to come in the very near future, so stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A great day!

We've been having a great day at school today. I think everyone's exited for a potential of snow tomorrow afternoon. I know I AM! This Mama was meant to be in the coooold weather.

We've started online courses to add to our curriculum. I figured it would work best for Landon, since he's such a tech savvy kid. We signed them all up to do the same. So far they're loving it, and Landon really seems to enjoy it, too.

Now for some pictures for your viewing enjoyment.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Little by little

This morning was better for Landon. He finally decided to do a little work as a class. Up until now, it's been Jason and Landon, one on one. It didn't last as long as I'd liked, but I'm hoping he's warming up. It continues to perplex me as to why he's having this issue.

I had a great experience working with another photography this past weekend. Very excited to finish up our project together. The story is based on a book that I am working on. I thought it would be neat to try and bring it to life. Just as a promo sort of shoot, the way they tend to make for movies. I'm not sure if my book will ever be finished, so this was great to be able to work on. I'm very grateful for the work she has put into this with me. I plan on featuring her in one of my blogs. More than likely here, in this one. Stay tuned for that!

Working on a few projects now. My mind is feeling refreshed after a little break. So I'm excited to get back to work. Especially after we've settled into our school routine. Very blessed to have so much going on and so beautifully, too.

Blessings all!

Friday, January 11, 2013

It's Friday!

The first week of our homeschooling venture has been very successful, and not so successful. Landon continues to resist. It's very hard for me to deal with this personally. I know he is so very capable of going above and beyond. This mama is doing a lot of prayer.

We thankfully had a little bit of a breakthrough this morning, after an initially tough time. I know he is going to require more creativity. Doing the typical worksheets and curriculum, just isn't going to cut it with him. He did enjoy finishing up his Van Gogh picture for the week. We will be learning about Van Gogh for the remainder of the month.

Luke has been an absolute joy to teach. He really enjoys being at home and does his best to learn and succeeds. I'm very proud in the fact that both my twins really seem to get what it's all about. Landon may resist now, but I know with time an prayer, he will come around. We have absolutely been blessed with amazing children.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I have this little boy named Landon...

He is small, and very...STUBBORN, brilliant, set in his ways, funny, STUBBORN, loving, and did I mention, STUBBORN?

Landon Aidan. I've never met another child like this one. He's so full of life & brilliance. I'm not quite sure what to do with this child. I'm actually very surprise at his resistance to learn here at home. He's a very difficult soul to figure out. He gives the biggest, tightest hugs. He pays the closest attention to what we say. He speaks like he's 10, when he is nearly 6. He's the younger twin, to Luke. Idk if this has anything to do with his situation, because he acts like he's the bigger twin. He is extremely self conscious. He's very insecure. He still hangs onto a pacifier for dear life, because of his severe anxieties. Did I mention he's nearly 6??? The anxiety is of that of a grown person. It saddens me to see my loving baby that way. He's an extremely difficult read.

Homeschooling is not taking off as I truly thought it would for him. Both he and Luke were VERY ambitious to be homeschooled. Luke is doing AMAZINGLY at it. Landon, I'm having to teach separately. Both twins, I wholeheartedly feel, are both above average academically. Landon bores easy. Both can do their work without issue and then some. They breeze through even first grade curriculum at this point. But Landon, I have a tough time putting my thoughts into words.

As soon as we begin, he's resistant. He complains, says he's tired, when we haven't even begun. He won't even try to do his work. Is he missing his social school setting and teachers? He'll never tell. This is when he obtains a teenagers attitude. I have to ask him to leave, while I school the other three. Then, later in the day, his father, or myself, sit with him and finish his curriculum. I'm seeing this as the new norm, for at least a while.

He contradicts himself. Yes, I want that. No, why did you give me that?! This is normal conversation for us. He wants it, then he doesn't. For what reason? I have no clue. I'm absolutely shocked that he has taken to homeschooling in the same manner. He simply will not participate in the group setting. I'm praying this is just Landon trying to break the ice. I can see a very successful future for our homeschooling, if he would just learn to let go. Fingers crossed and hands in prayer.

Stay tuned. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Add 3 more to the list...

 As of yesterday, Janurary 7th, I withdrew the twins from school and have begun homeschooling them, too. We prayed and prayed for direction and feel this is where the Lord has lead us. I am absolutely confident this is what we were meant to do for them. We are just fortunate we have the ability. I have always wanted to teach them.

 I will be incorporating fine art and composers into the game. I have always wanted to to this for them. I'm very excited to be able to take them on field trips, trips to different places, and also, to work with Daddy. The toughest issue I foresee, is work. I already work weekends only. Finding the time to edit will be my problem now. I always work in the mornings while the twins are at school and while Tristan schools here at home. I have always been an early to bed sorta gal, so I see late nights in my future from now on. God knows how much time I dedicate to my dear photoshop :)

 We have started with Van Gogh this month. Next month I will do Beethoven. The kids are already accustomed to his work, but I have yet to go in depth, as far as his life goes. I just love that my kids automatically recognize his and Mozart's work upon hearing it. I will more than likely begin them all on instruments. I've prolonged that long enough. They've played around with Mommy's guitars a few times, but i'll more than likely get them smaller instruments for smaller hands and fingers <3 It's time to purchase a keyboard as well. It's been years since I've played. Wonder what they would really think of Mommy's old recordings?? Think i'll keep that to myself ;) lol

 Stay tuned... things are about to get very interesting!