Friday, January 11, 2013

It's Friday!

The first week of our homeschooling venture has been very successful, and not so successful. Landon continues to resist. It's very hard for me to deal with this personally. I know he is so very capable of going above and beyond. This mama is doing a lot of prayer.

We thankfully had a little bit of a breakthrough this morning, after an initially tough time. I know he is going to require more creativity. Doing the typical worksheets and curriculum, just isn't going to cut it with him. He did enjoy finishing up his Van Gogh picture for the week. We will be learning about Van Gogh for the remainder of the month.

Luke has been an absolute joy to teach. He really enjoys being at home and does his best to learn and succeeds. I'm very proud in the fact that both my twins really seem to get what it's all about. Landon may resist now, but I know with time an prayer, he will come around. We have absolutely been blessed with amazing children.

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