Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Add 3 more to the list...

 As of yesterday, Janurary 7th, I withdrew the twins from school and have begun homeschooling them, too. We prayed and prayed for direction and feel this is where the Lord has lead us. I am absolutely confident this is what we were meant to do for them. We are just fortunate we have the ability. I have always wanted to teach them.

 I will be incorporating fine art and composers into the game. I have always wanted to to this for them. I'm very excited to be able to take them on field trips, trips to different places, and also, to work with Daddy. The toughest issue I foresee, is work. I already work weekends only. Finding the time to edit will be my problem now. I always work in the mornings while the twins are at school and while Tristan schools here at home. I have always been an early to bed sorta gal, so I see late nights in my future from now on. God knows how much time I dedicate to my dear photoshop :)

 We have started with Van Gogh this month. Next month I will do Beethoven. The kids are already accustomed to his work, but I have yet to go in depth, as far as his life goes. I just love that my kids automatically recognize his and Mozart's work upon hearing it. I will more than likely begin them all on instruments. I've prolonged that long enough. They've played around with Mommy's guitars a few times, but i'll more than likely get them smaller instruments for smaller hands and fingers <3 It's time to purchase a keyboard as well. It's been years since I've played. Wonder what they would really think of Mommy's old recordings?? Think i'll keep that to myself ;) lol

 Stay tuned... things are about to get very interesting!

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