Friday, January 18, 2013

Really beginning to flow

 Today was probably our best so far. Tests are going awesome, curriculum is coming together, and the kids are getting used to their routine. I honestly, never thought I would have LESS stress by homeschooling all four of my children, as opposed to them being in school all day. I have less freedom sure, but is it really "freedom" I am giving up, or am I gaining? I feel that I am gaining here.

 My children are with me all of the time. I can't say how much peace this puts in my soul. To know that they are able to learn, within our four walls that we call home, is just amazing. I am so very proud of their abilities. The bond between each of us, just grows stronger and stronger each and everyday. I have to say, I have experienced so much more laughter in this house in the past two weeks. There is no more pressure to hurry off to bed, to hurry out the door, or time being taken away from us as a family. I get to witness first hand, my children learning.

 Landon is absolutely coming around. I was very fearful in the beginning. We're all enjoying the new K5 addition to our curriculum. Both Luke and Landon have exceeded their assessment testing and have been placed into 1st grade levels. They're, of course, still maintaining their kindergarten level in their day to day curriculum. But, I am amazed by how well they do with the 1st grade work. Just this morning, Luke was already blowing me away with his multiplication abilities.

 Tristan is still struggling. But, having his brothers around really seems to help. They're his helpers. We are doing our best with alphabet repetition, as well as numbers. Got to get these cores down before we move too far ahead. If he doesn't recognize his letters and numbers, how can we expect him to comprehend most of his curriculum?

 I am planning out my work, as well. Moving forward and very pleased with everything that's going on with the business. Bauhaus Productions Photography is growing day by day. I'm also, working on my own studio space and new concept sessions. Very excited to share what's to come in the very near future, so stay tuned...

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