Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I am really terrible.

I have come to find, that I am REALLY, really terrible at blogging. However, I have a new idea for November. To photograph each day, one thing I am grateful for. A photography journal. If I think about attempting a 365 day project, my mind just goes on overload and then, it gets bored. So, with that said, I think it's safe to say that I can handle 30 days.
 I am so very behind on work. I'm having a tough time with balancing everything at once, from editing, holding sessions, to homeschooling and keeping the house flowing. I am looking forward to the next few months I will be taking off, after the beginning of December. Hopefully, that way I can regroup and figure out a new way of  making things flow.
 We'll have another jammed pack month ahead of us. Tristan will be 10 years old on November 29th! Sometimes, it's tough to imagine him being only a few years away from being a teenager. He's still so very young mentally. I admire that in him. It gives me a sort of sense of peace, knowing that he really doesn't grasp what criticism, or negativity is really all about. Of course, he gathers when someone is upset, mad or sad. He feels very much for everyone around him. What's most important is that he is advancing. Even though he struggles severely academically, we are giving him the tools that he will need to live and he is a very, very happy little boy.
 Making the decision to keep our children at home with us, has been one of the most rewarding feelings. Even though at times we feel we'll pull our hair out, we know we are doing what's best for us as a family, and for our children. They are happy, healthy and advancing beautifully. Life is so very good and God is so very full of grace!
 I am looking forward to sharing my Grateful Project with everyone! Happy Halloween week until then!

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