Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I am working on wrapping up a wedding photographed a couple weeks back. I am still playing catch up to last weeks Senior and Junior Rep sessions, as well. Hoping to have it all done by this weekend before my new sessions. I really hate being behind like this.

 Another issue I am battling is working on the book. I am looking forward to having most of this Winter off. Creating dialogue is so much tougher than I thought it would be. Also, keeping things as real as possible. I may love all things paranormal, but I like to represent the story to be almost believable. If that even makes sense? So, I am aiming at hopefully, having everything completed by next Summer. The fact that those who have read it's rough draft are actually interested and waiting for more, is just surreal to me. Even when I read through it, I have to ask myself, "Did I REALLY write this?." It's a good feeling. I'm sure when people begin pulling it apart, it won't be such an awesome feeling.

 I leave you with a picture of the wedding. Happy Wednesday, all!

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