Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6 {I am THANKFUL} Luke Michael (Baby A) & The Power of PRAYER

 This is Luke's story.

When I was in labor with Tristan, I remember watching his heart rate go down, and down and how closely the doctor and nurses watched. I remember how scary it was to see it dip lower and lower. So when I was in labor with the twins, that same fear came into play when Luke's heart rate did the same, even worse. But even though they claimed to be watching his heart rate, no one seemed to feel the need to take action.

We sat hours, watching his heart rate remain in the 50's-40's, occasionally going up. With twins, they often take them via cesarean. This was not the case in my experience. I labored 12 hours with them, and their births were about an hour apart.
Finally came the time for delivery. They swept me away, out of my mind thanks to the phenegran they'd administered. I barely remember what was going on. I do however, recall pleading not to make me push. I was REALLY out of it and couldn't focus.

 I pushed, and pushed, and continued to go in and out of the world. Eventually he came. There was no cry. There was only rushed silence and what I could barely see, as a very blue, lifeless baby. After that, I was completely out. I don't know how I managed to deliver Landon 55 minutes later.

 Luke was born in respiratory distress, with very little blood, needing a liter's worth of a transfusion. I now recall the paperwork we had to sign prior to delivery, giving consent for either twin to receive blood should need be. Best decision in my life. Luke could very well not be here if I hadn't signed that.

 I will never forget Jason walking back into recovery, to find me in a deep, quiet pain. I had some issues with bleeding post delivery and had to remain in recovery a while. Landon thankfully, was fine, but had trouble coming out due to be facing up. Luke however he explained, wasn't in good condition and was being treated in the NICU. He explained that he had lost most of his blood because the cord was wrapped around his neck. No doubt that was why his heart rate was so low

and for so long. They almost cost us our sons life.
It was surreal. To think that my little boy, the baby we tried so hard to conceive, might not make it. I was in shock.

 Meanwhile, across the hospital, the state, the country and even into Europe, prayers were spreading for our little boy. And, by later in the day, the news came that he was starting to improve. Our prayers were being answered. I cannot tell you how hard it was for me NOT to be able to visit my son. I had to wait until the next day to see him. And, when I did, there lay the smallest, darkest, full headed baby. He was the exact opposite of Landon, whom I had already been with throughout the night. They were literally night and day. Luke was doing amazingly well and eventually, joined his brother 5 days post delivery.

 And, that my friends, is ABSOLUTELY the power of prayer and the story of Luke.

1 comment:

  1. I'll never forget Jason's first messages or waiting for updates or praying through the night for God to intervene. His life has been very prayed over since before he was even conceived. Can't wait to see what God has in-store for that sweet boy!
