Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 9 {I am THANKFUL} Prosperity

 Since day one, my dear husband has worked to maintain a safe and prosperous lifestyle for his little family. Nothing is possible without The Holy Father. He watches over us, protects us and guides us through each step of our lives. Some days in life, things are tough. His grace and grace alone has carried us. Even when you don't feel like being faithful, when you feel your life is void of God, He is there. You can deny and reject, but He remains faithful. He is always there waiting for you to return to his forgiving and waiting arms.

 We are blessed to have such a lifestyle as ours. Jason and I are both small business owners. He has the freedom to stay at home and school our children, along my side. We do our best to be as active in our childrens lives as possible. We understand how hard it is for most families to have to work 8-5 jobs, to barely see or have a hand in their childrens lives as they're rushed off to school first thing, and then to bed at night. Without this gift that Jason was given, and the talent he has in being an order buyer, we wouldn't have this privilege. We are prosperous. And should tomorrow we awake in worsen conditions, I will praise God for all we were allowed to get by with. Nothing is promised to us. We may not have the biggest house, the finest of materialistic things, but what we have is freedom. And, God willing our health and a roof over our heads. And most of all, we have one another. For this, I am ETERNALLY grateful and reminded of.

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