Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 8 {I am THANKFUL} Ava Isabella

 I have always wanted a girl named Ava, even WAY before this became a popular name. If I had 3 girls they would be named accordingly... Ava (Ava Gardner), Sophia (Sophia Loren) and Audrey (Audrey Hepburn). I understand I have already blogged about the MIRACLE that is Ava and what a miracle it was to conceive her naturally, but this entry is ABOUT Ava. So, here goes.From my vacation hotel room, located in North Charleston, SC, I would like to talk about my Avalina Isabella.

 Avalina, as we like to call her, was a nickname given to her by my dear sister (AKA Aunt Traci). We call her this because when my sweet grandmother, Nani Lorraine was alive, she used to call Traci, TraciLINA. She passed away two weeks after Ava was born, so she never got the chance to meet Ava face to face. We lived a couple hours away from her at the time. Traci eventually began referring to Ava as Avalina. The name stuck. I'm sure it confuses people from time to time when I call her this. The name just seems fitting, and it has my grandmother in there somewhere. :) I'd like to think she plays a role in it.

 Ava was born my heaviest baby. She was as long as her big brother Tristan at 20 inches, and weighed in at 6 lbs. 13 oz.. Huge baby, right? Tristan was born around 37 weeks at 6 lbs. 2 oz.. Ava was born at 39 weeks. I believe I mentioned the twins weights previously. I was certain she would be SO much bigger, seeing as she was born the latest. I might add that Tristan and Ava's births were induced. Tristan, because of my kidney issues and stints. Ava was helped out a tad with a little pitocin. I was already going into labor, but slowly. I apparently, am NOT quick at birthing.

 OKAY. COMPLETELY went off topic here!

 Ava is the life of the household. She is full of laughter, emotion and LOVE. She refers to her brothers as "my boys", asking for them when they're not around. She wakes in the morning as if she'd never fallen asleep, picking up where she's taken off. She snores. She's allergic to peanuts and she sleeps with her mouth WIDE open. She refuses to sleep on her own and prefers to sleep with her Daddy. Though, she claims very much so to be a Mommy's girl. She cracks us up and keeps us on our toes. We're constantly amazed by the things she tells us. Her favorite thing in this world is a 90's Japanamation called Sailor Moon. She can spell it out and write it down like her own name. She's been counting to 10 since she was under a year old and in different languages. She's ahead academically by far. I have already begun Kindergarten curriculum for her, though she has just turned 4. She is the girl I have ALWAYS wanted, and what I STILL wake up to, to this day in amazement at. I still become giddy when I think of my girl! I only pray that she continues to twirl, to dance, to sing, to argue to her own tune throughout life - to never lose that innocence and bliss. For there is only ONE Avalina in this world as she. My heart, my soul, my life all in one. She is our miracle and bursting full of love


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