Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 7 {I am THANKFUL} Landon Aidan (Baby B)

 As I had mentioned in Luke's story, Landon came a good 55 minutes after Luke. He too, gave me a complicated job at birth, being as he was face up. I remember his birth a little more since the medicine began wearing off. And once Landon was born, we heard and had a healthy, tiny baby.

Landon is known as the little wise one. He's the "old man" of the bunch, clearly taking after his Daddy. He's the worrier, the thinker, the clever one. Landon was born a tiny little thing, at 5 pounds, 5 oz.. Actually, not too bad, considering he is a twin. Luke weighed in at 5 pounds, 12 oz.. That was a whole lot of baby going on. I remember feeling bad for little Landon, all crammed into my ribs, as Luke kicked and shoved his baby brother. How those two kept me up in the night.

 Out of all of our children, Landon is the one who is going to worry about someone else, but doesn't want to show too much affection. You know he loves deeply and emotionally, but he's just too much "boy" to show all of those emotion. I think it tends to boil up inside of him at times, causing him to think and worry over almost anything. He gives THE best hugs! Ask anyone who knows this child! Sometimes the conversations are a bit shocking, because his comprehension is so very ahead of his age. It's no joke that this child has been on and able to control a laptop since he was at least 2 years of age. There are many a picture on our MacBooks, his laptop of choice. Though, I do believe he would take just about any brand given to him. Not to mention, iPads, iPods, etc.. He's going to figure it out, and quickly.

 His heart is HUGE and his love is so very deep. He expresses so much of his father's compassion and devotion, that it makes my own heart swell. I couldn't be more proud to call this little boy my own. And how blessed I am that The Lord chosen me to be his mother.

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